Over at Afrospear, there is a post by Aulelia entitled “Is Mugabe a real African?Lubangakene, during this conversation has brought up a “real” good question: “What can WE do about it?”…. referring to the actions of Mugabe against the people of Zimbabwe. As I read his comment, it dawned on me that it’s difficult to create strategies, whether new or old when, as he states: “Mugabe is not someone I’ve studied deeply, nor do I know much about the situation in Zimbabwe.” 


The first thing we need to do therefore, those of us in the diasporic West, the North American AfroSphere, is to educate ourselves on the situation in Zimbabwe and other concerns of Africa. This may also include researching the historical dynamics of how these current situations and/or problems developed. That is what I believe is one of the functions and hopefully, the strength of AfroSpear. Give those who are close to the situation, those from the continent or the country itself, the forum to bring it our consciousness, a voice to educate us, provide us with an opportunity to understand the various dynamics from the voices on the ground. AND as we discuss these issue(s), hopefully we will be able to offer viable solutions which are “relevant” to that particular environment. In Zimbabwe, I am not sure that the dynamics of R/WS (racism/white supremacy) from a North American perspective is as relevant as the aftermath of neo-colonialism. Maybe it is. Maybe they are one and the same dynamics. I will not automatically make that connection. BUT there are other perspectives, voices that I am open to hear from, to help me shape my perspective. And also listen to what “THEY” may need from “us” – those of African descent here.


I do know this though. Here in the diasporic West, the issues concerning Africa are not foremost in our minds, nor in our action plans. How many of us have taken part in demonstrations, rallies or informational seminars, organized and convened by the African/Black community in our cities or towns, concerning Darfur? Zimbabwe? Vulture Funds? I do know that in the AfroSphere I have read much more about the sufferings of the people of Iraq, than of the people of Darfur or Zimbabwe. I have read much more on the evils of American foreign policy in the Middle East, than on the negative effects of Western foreign aid and Chinese foreign policy in Africa. I have read much more about issues concerning democracy (or lack thereof) in America and Iraq, than the lack of or fight for democracy in Africa.


Sure, there may not much we can do from here. We are concerned with our own daily struggles and issues as African/Black people in the diaspora. But maybe that’s the plan. Divide and conquer. Keep us with our heads down and our eyes fixed on our own problems, so that we don’t see the BIGGER picture. So we don’t understand our connection to the struggles, issues and situations facing the Motherland. That way it’s easier to pick us off, one by one. 


If you don’t care about your Mother, you will care less about your brothers and sisters. Which ultimately leads you not to care much about yourself.

